Monday, January 23, 2012

Imperfect Monday

Perfect Saturday. I put pajamas on, on Friday night, and stayed in them until Sunday morning. Yes...disgusting...but so indulgent. I have not done that since before children!

It snowed, and it looked beautiful. The girls played, and attempted to make a snowman, but it was powder, and just fell apart.

David cooked meatballs for dinner, and it was cozier than I could have imagined.

Yet, for both David, and I, anxiety is running high. I am getting scared. Really worried about the future. Really stressed about what is going to happen to us. So is David. And when we start talking about it, we just don't have any solutions. I just wish I knew it was all going to be alright.

It's Monday morning. I woke up with that yucky, something is wrong, but I don't what it is feeling. It is grey and gloomy looking outside.

I have had this sense, for a very long time now, that something is on the horizon for my family. Something really wonderful. I felt like some days, I could see a light at the end of the tunnel.

I am not feeling that so much today. I sense something out there...but it doesn't seem so bright today.

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